Comparing the Estimation Methods¤
We conducted a simulation study demonstrating the performances of Meir et al. (2022) [1] and comparing it with that of Lee et al. (2018) [2].
The data was generated in the same way as in Usage Example section, i.e. \(M=2\) competing events, \(n=50,000\) observations, Z with 5 covariates and right censoring.
Failure times were generated based on
\(\alpha_{1t} = -1 -0.3 \log(t)\),
\(\alpha_{2t} = -1.75 -0.15\log(t)\), \(t=1,\ldots,d\),
\(\beta_1 = (-\log 0.8, \log 3, \log 3, \log 2.5, \log 2)\),
\(\beta_{2} = (-\log 1, \log 3, \log 4, \log 3, \log 2)\).
Censoring time for each observation was sampled from a discrete uniform distribution, i.e. \(C_i \sim \mbox{Uniform}\{1,...,d+1\}\).
We repeated this procedure for \(d \in (15, 30, 45, 60, 100)\) and report the results in Meir et al. (2022) [1]. For each value of \(d\), the results are based on 100 replications.
We showed that both estimation methods perform very well in terms of bias and provide highly similar results in terms of point estimators and their standard errors. However, the computational running time of our approach is 1.5-3.5 times shorter depending on \(d\), where the improvement factor increases as a function of \(d\).
Estimation Replications¤
Comparing Standard Error of Lee et al. (2018) and Meir et al. (2022)¤
Comparison of the Estimated Coefficients¤
Computational Time Comparison¤
[1] Meir, Tomer*, Gutman, Rom*, and Gorfine, Malka, "PyDTS: A Python Package for Discrete-Time Survival Analysis with Competing Risks" (2022)
[2] Lee, Minjung and Feuer, Eric J. and Fine, Jason P., "On the analysis of discrete time competing risks data", Biometrics (2018) doi: 10.1111/biom.12881