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Hospitalization length of stay¤

In this example, we simulate a dataset of 10,000 hospitalized patietns as follows:

We sample the covariates such that:

\(\mbox{Admission Year} \sim \mbox{Uniform}(2000,2014)\)

\(\mbox{Gender} \sim \mbox{Bernoullie}(0.5), \qquad\) (1 is Female, 0 is Male)

\(\mbox{Age} \sim \mbox{Normal}(72+5*\mbox{gender}\;,\;12)\) (years)

\(\mbox{Height} \sim \mbox{Normal}(175-5*\mbox{gender}\;,\;7)\) (cm)

\(\mbox{Weight} \sim \mbox{Normal}(\frac{\mbox{height}}{175}*80 - 5 * \mbox{gender} + \frac{\mbox{age}}{20}\;,\;8)\) (kg)

\(\mbox{BMI} \: (\mbox{Body} \: \mbox{Mass} \: \mbox{Index}) = \frac{\mbox{Weight}}{(\frac{\mbox{Height}}{100})^2}\) (kg/m^2)

\(\mbox{Admission Serial} \sim \mbox{LogNormal}(0, 0.75)\)

\(\mbox{Smoking Status} \sim \mbox{Multinomial(No, Previously, Currently)} \quad p=[0.5, 0.3, 0.2]\)

Precondition features:

\(\mbox{General_p} = 0.003 * \mbox{bmi} - 0.15 * \mbox{gender} + 0.002 * \mbox{age} + 0.1 * \mbox{smoking}\)

\(\mbox{Preconditions_p} = max( min(\mbox{General_p}, 0.65), 0.05)\)

\(\mbox{Hypertension} \sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(\mbox{Preconditions_p})\)

\(\mbox{Diabetes} \sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(\mbox{Preconditions_p} + 0.003*\mbox{BMI})\)

\(\mbox{Arterial Fibrillation} \sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(\mbox{Preconditions_p})\)

\(\mbox{Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease} \sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(\mbox{Preconditions_p} + 0.1*\mbox{smoking})\)

\(\mbox{Chronic Renal Failure} \sim \mbox{Bernoulli}(\mbox{Preconditions_p})\)

Finally, based on the above covariates, we sample LOS and the event type: discharged or in-hospital death.

After sampling the LOS, for some patients we remove weight (and BMI) information based on year of admission, to reflect missingness which can occur in real world data.

Loading Simulation Dataset¤

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
from pydts.examples_utils.simulations_data_config import *
from pydts.examples_utils.datasets import load_LOS_simulated_data
import warnings
data_df = load_LOS_simulated_data()

Data Description¤

First, let's look at some descriptive statistics of the columns:

paper_table = data_df.describe().T.round(2)
idx = [r for r in paper_table.index if r not in ['ID', 'Returning_patient', 'Death_date_in_hosp_missing', 

paper_table = paper_table.loc[idx, :]
    'Age': 'Age (years)',
    'Gender': 'Gender (1 - female)',
    'Admyear': 'Admyear (year)',
    'Firstadm': 'Firstadm (1 - yes)',
    'Admserial': 'Admserial',
    'Weight': 'Weight (kg)',
    'Height': 'Height (cm)',
    'BMI': 'Height (kg/m^2)',
    'Smoking': f"Smoking (0 - never, \\ \qquad \qquad \, 1 - previously, \\ \qquad \qquad \, 2 - currently)",
    'Discharge_relative_date': 'LOS (days)', 
    'Hypertension': 'Hypertension (1 - yes)',
    'Diabities': 'Diabetes (1 - yes)',
    'AF': 'AF (1 - yes)',
    'COPD': 'COPD (1 - yes)',
    'CRF': 'CRF (1 - yes)',
    'Death_relative_date_in_hosp': 'In-Hospital Death (days)'}, inplace=True)
paper_table['count'] = paper_table['count'].astype(int) 
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Age (years) 10000 74.38 12.12 24.10 66.30 74.40 82.60 122.70
Gender (1 - female) 10000 0.49 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Admyear (year) 10000 2006.96 4.29 2000.00 2003.00 2007.00 2011.00 2014.00
Firstadm (1 - yes) 10000 0.70 0.46 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Admserial 10000 1.50 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 17.00
Weight (kg) 4497 80.05 9.40 46.92 73.66 80.08 86.41 116.46
Height (cm) 10000 172.47 7.41 145.68 167.50 172.41 177.49 201.24
Height (kg/m^2) 4497 26.94 2.97 15.16 24.86 26.89 28.85 40.35
Smoking (0 - never, \ \qquad \qquad \, 1 - previously, \ \qquad \qquad \, 2 - currently) 10000 0.70 0.78 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00
Hypertension (1 - yes) 10000 0.23 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
Diabetes 10000 0.31 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
AF (1 - yes) 10000 0.23 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
COPD (1 - yes) 10000 0.29 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
CRF (1 - yes) 10000 0.23 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
LOS (days) 10000 12.96 10.26 1.00 4.00 10.00 21.00 31.00
In-Hospital Death (days) 2362 10.21 7.86 1.00 4.00 8.00 15.00 30.00

When dealing with healthcare data, changes of policy can lead to biased data, so it is also a good idea to see how the data looks like with stratification by year of admission:

import tableone as to
categorical = [GENDER_COL, *preconditions, RETURNING_PATIENT_COL]
mytable = to.TableOne(data_df, columns, categorical, groupby)
Grouped by Admyear
Missing Overall 2000.0 2001.0 2002.0 2003.0 2004.0 2005.0 2006.0 2007.0 2008.0 2009.0 2010.0 2011.0 2012.0 2013.0 2014.0
n 10000 637 659 724 657 671 687 661 711 669 678 655 648 631 662 650
Age, mean (SD) 0 74.4 (12.1) 73.8 (12.4) 74.3 (11.8) 74.7 (12.1) 74.8 (12.0) 74.3 (11.7) 73.9 (11.9) 74.5 (13.1) 73.7 (11.9) 74.8 (12.0) 74.8 (12.1) 75.6 (11.6) 73.8 (12.4) 74.6 (11.9) 73.8 (12.5) 74.2 (12.1)
Gender, n (%) 0.0 0 5064 (50.6) 307 (48.2) 349 (53.0) 362 (50.0) 317 (48.2) 346 (51.6) 339 (49.3) 350 (53.0) 367 (51.6) 327 (48.9) 355 (52.4) 343 (52.4) 331 (51.1) 318 (50.4) 332 (50.2) 321 (49.4)
1.0 4936 (49.4) 330 (51.8) 310 (47.0) 362 (50.0) 340 (51.8) 325 (48.4) 348 (50.7) 311 (47.0) 344 (48.4) 342 (51.1) 323 (47.6) 312 (47.6) 317 (48.9) 313 (49.6) 330 (49.8) 329 (50.6)
Weight, mean (SD) 5503 80.1 (9.4) 78.4 (10.5) 80.1 (11.6) 81.2 (9.9) 79.8 (9.7) 78.1 (9.6) 80.0 (9.7) 79.8 (9.2) 80.7 (8.7) 80.9 (9.4) 80.9 (9.4) 79.9 (9.2) 80.4 (9.3) 79.6 (9.4) 79.8 (9.7) 79.8 (8.9)
Height, mean (SD) 0 172.5 (7.4) 172.7 (7.5) 172.4 (7.8) 172.4 (7.4) 172.4 (7.1) 172.3 (7.3) 172.1 (7.5) 172.5 (7.5) 172.7 (7.2) 172.4 (7.3) 172.9 (7.6) 172.6 (7.5) 172.7 (7.5) 172.3 (7.1) 172.5 (7.7) 172.3 (7.3)
BMI, mean (SD) 5503 26.9 (3.0) 26.7 (3.4) 27.0 (3.1) 27.0 (3.0) 26.7 (2.9) 26.4 (3.1) 26.9 (3.2) 26.9 (3.0) 27.2 (2.8) 27.2 (3.1) 27.2 (3.0) 26.9 (2.9) 26.9 (3.0) 26.9 (2.9) 26.9 (3.0) 26.9 (2.9)
Smoking, n (%) 0.0 0 4982 (49.8) 323 (50.7) 349 (53.0) 371 (51.2) 325 (49.5) 332 (49.5) 334 (48.6) 325 (49.2) 352 (49.5) 319 (47.7) 336 (49.6) 310 (47.3) 305 (47.1) 327 (51.8) 322 (48.6) 352 (54.2)
1.0 3033 (30.3) 185 (29.0) 177 (26.9) 228 (31.5) 193 (29.4) 195 (29.1) 220 (32.0) 193 (29.2) 214 (30.1) 221 (33.0) 198 (29.2) 223 (34.0) 211 (32.6) 174 (27.6) 206 (31.1) 195 (30.0)
2.0 1985 (19.9) 129 (20.3) 133 (20.2) 125 (17.3) 139 (21.2) 144 (21.5) 133 (19.4) 143 (21.6) 145 (20.4) 129 (19.3) 144 (21.2) 122 (18.6) 132 (20.4) 130 (20.6) 134 (20.2) 103 (15.8)
Hypertension, n (%) 0.0 0 7717 (77.2) 505 (79.3) 497 (75.4) 545 (75.3) 523 (79.6) 517 (77.0) 552 (80.3) 482 (72.9) 551 (77.5) 519 (77.6) 520 (76.7) 523 (79.8) 488 (75.3) 478 (75.8) 505 (76.3) 512 (78.8)
1.0 2283 (22.8) 132 (20.7) 162 (24.6) 179 (24.7) 134 (20.4) 154 (23.0) 135 (19.7) 179 (27.1) 160 (22.5) 150 (22.4) 158 (23.3) 132 (20.2) 160 (24.7) 153 (24.2) 157 (23.7) 138 (21.2)
Diabetes, n (%) 0.0 0 6932 (69.3) 446 (70.0) 444 (67.4) 512 (70.7) 454 (69.1) 457 (68.1) 491 (71.5) 463 (70.0) 491 (69.1) 464 (69.4) 464 (68.4) 444 (67.8) 442 (68.2) 430 (68.1) 453 (68.4) 477 (73.4)
1.0 3068 (30.7) 191 (30.0) 215 (32.6) 212 (29.3) 203 (30.9) 214 (31.9) 196 (28.5) 198 (30.0) 220 (30.9) 205 (30.6) 214 (31.6) 211 (32.2) 206 (31.8) 201 (31.9) 209 (31.6) 173 (26.6)
AF, n (%) 0.0 0 7735 (77.3) 493 (77.4) 500 (75.9) 574 (79.3) 524 (79.8) 527 (78.5) 540 (78.6) 504 (76.2) 551 (77.5) 519 (77.6) 527 (77.7) 487 (74.4) 480 (74.1) 471 (74.6) 518 (78.2) 520 (80.0)
1.0 2265 (22.7) 144 (22.6) 159 (24.1) 150 (20.7) 133 (20.2) 144 (21.5) 147 (21.4) 157 (23.8) 160 (22.5) 150 (22.4) 151 (22.3) 168 (25.6) 168 (25.9) 160 (25.4) 144 (21.8) 130 (20.0)
COPD, n (%) 0.0 0 7068 (70.7) 450 (70.6) 468 (71.0) 503 (69.5) 472 (71.8) 469 (69.9) 484 (70.5) 467 (70.7) 512 (72.0) 465 (69.5) 462 (68.1) 453 (69.2) 453 (69.9) 440 (69.7) 481 (72.7) 489 (75.2)
1.0 2932 (29.3) 187 (29.4) 191 (29.0) 221 (30.5) 185 (28.2) 202 (30.1) 203 (29.5) 194 (29.3) 199 (28.0) 204 (30.5) 216 (31.9) 202 (30.8) 195 (30.1) 191 (30.3) 181 (27.3) 161 (24.8)
CRF, n (%) 0.0 0 7729 (77.3) 486 (76.3) 513 (77.8) 589 (81.4) 510 (77.6) 505 (75.3) 522 (76.0) 511 (77.3) 555 (78.1) 522 (78.0) 500 (73.7) 501 (76.5) 508 (78.4) 491 (77.8) 501 (75.7) 515 (79.2)
1.0 2271 (22.7) 151 (23.7) 146 (22.2) 135 (18.6) 147 (22.4) 166 (24.7) 165 (24.0) 150 (22.7) 156 (21.9) 147 (22.0) 178 (26.3) 154 (23.5) 140 (21.6) 140 (22.2) 161 (24.3) 135 (20.8)
Returning_patient, n (%) 0 0 7048 (70.5) 448 (70.3) 473 (71.8) 505 (69.8) 464 (70.6) 489 (72.9) 503 (73.2) 456 (69.0) 477 (67.1) 470 (70.3) 480 (70.8) 464 (70.8) 452 (69.8) 458 (72.6) 456 (68.9) 453 (69.7)
1 2744 (27.4) 176 (27.6) 173 (26.3) 200 (27.6) 183 (27.9) 171 (25.5) 168 (24.5) 192 (29.0) 218 (30.7) 187 (28.0) 186 (27.4) 176 (26.9) 181 (27.9) 161 (25.5) 189 (28.5) 183 (28.2)
2 185 (1.8) 12 (1.9) 13 (2.0) 17 (2.3) 7 (1.1) 9 (1.3) 15 (2.2) 12 (1.8) 13 (1.8) 11 (1.6) 9 (1.3) 12 (1.8) 14 (2.2) 12 (1.9) 16 (2.4) 13 (2.0)
3 23 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 2 (0.3) 3 (0.5) 2 (0.3) 1 (0.1) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.4) 1 (0.1) 3 (0.4) 3 (0.5) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2)

Let's visualize the data. With the following figures we can see:

(a) How many patients were hospitalized in total, how many were discharged\died, stratified by year of admission.

(b) Age distributions by sex, males (0) and females (1).

(c) Number of patients at each number of admissions, with a separation to 4 groups.

(d) Kaplan-Meier curves for LOS with and without death as censoring

from pydts.examples_utils.plots import *

Next, with the following figures we can further visualize the possible outcomes:

(a) Description of the events (death and release).

(b) Distribution of age, by sex, among the patients who died.

(c-d) Number of observed event, by event type.


and a visualization of the missingness of the weight variable by year of admission:


Data Preprocessing¤

outcome_cols = [

y = data_df.set_index(PATIENT_NO_COL)[outcome_cols]
X = data_df.set_index(PATIENT_NO_COL).drop(columns=outcome_cols)

Missing Values Imputation¤

We search for missing data and use median imputation:

to_impute = X.isna().sum(axis=0).to_frame("value").query("value > 0").index
Index(['Weight', 'BMI'], dtype='object')
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

imputer = SimpleImputer(verbose=1, strategy='median')
X[to_impute] = imputer.fit_transform(X[to_impute])


In some applications it is customize to standardize the covariates, such that each will be with the mean 0 and standard deviation of 1.

For Height, Weight, Age and BMI columns we use Standard scaling, and for Returning Patient and Smoking we use Min-Max scaling:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler


std_scaler = StandardScaler() 
X[to_normalize] = std_scaler.fit_transform(X[to_normalize])

minmax_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X[to_minmax] = minmax_scaler.fit_transform(X[to_minmax])

Age Gender Admyear Weight Height BMI Smoking Hypertension Diabetes AF COPD CRF Returning_patient
0.0 -0.501435 1.0 2001.0 0.001731 0.198481 -0.010699 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 -1.829968 1.0 2003.0 0.001731 0.255134 -0.010699 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2.0 0.216468 1.0 2013.0 -0.706832 0.715064 -1.496554 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3.0 0.356748 1.0 2008.0 0.001731 -0.738724 -0.010699 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
4.0 -0.509686 0.0 2011.0 0.001731 -0.610285 -0.010699 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Creating event type and event time:

In_hospital_death = 1 means in hospital death (J=1)

In_hospital_death = 0 with Discharge_relative_date <= 30 means a discharge event (J=2)

Discharge_relative_date = 31 means right censored example, i.e. (J=0 at T=30)

y.loc[((y.In_hospital_death == 0) & (y.Discharge_relative_date != 31)), IN_HOSPITAL_DEATH_COL] = 2
y[DISCHARGE_RELATIVE_COL] = y[DISCHARGE_RELATIVE_COL].clip(upper=30).astype(int)
Discharge_relative_date In_hospital_death Death_relative_date_in_hosp Death_date_in_hosp_missing
0.0 11 2 NaN 1
1.0 15 2 NaN 1
2.0 6 2 NaN 1
3.0 4 2 NaN 1
4.0 1 1 1.0 0
... ... ... ... ...
9995.0 10 1 10.0 0
9996.0 5 1 5.0 0
9997.0 1 1 1.0 0
9998.0 13 2 NaN 1
9999.0 30 0 NaN 1

10000 rows × 4 columns


Now we can estimate the parameters of the model using a TwoStagesFitter:

fit_df = pd.concat([X.drop(ADMISSION_YEAR_COL, axis=1), 
                    y[[IN_HOSPITAL_DEATH_COL, DISCHARGE_RELATIVE_COL]]], axis=1).reset_index()
ID Age Gender Weight Height BMI Smoking Hypertension Diabetes AF COPD CRF Returning_patient In_hospital_death Discharge_relative_date
0 0.0 -0.501435 1.0 0.001731 0.198481 -0.010699 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2 11
1 1.0 -1.829968 1.0 0.001731 0.255134 -0.010699 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 15
2 2.0 0.216468 1.0 -0.706832 0.715064 -1.496554 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 6
3 3.0 0.356748 1.0 0.001731 -0.738724 -0.010699 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2 4
4 4.0 -0.509686 0.0 0.001731 -0.610285 -0.010699 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1
from pydts.fitters import TwoStagesFitter
fitter = TwoStagesFitter(), event_type_col=IN_HOSPITAL_DEATH_COL, duration_col=DISCHARGE_RELATIVE_COL, 
INFO: Pandarallel will run on 4 workers.
INFO: Pandarallel will use standard multiprocessing data transfer (pipe) to transfer data between the main process and workers.

j1_params j1_SE j2_params j2_SE
Age 0.012234 0.021289 0.018675 0.013089
Gender 0.072557 0.048761 0.032534 0.029895
Weight -0.085851 0.039237 -0.096352 0.024137
Height -0.109585 0.028974 -0.057043 0.017838
BMI -0.113686 0.038058 -0.069863 0.023324
Smoking 0.006120 0.060227 -0.086379 0.037199
Hypertension -0.066527 0.052036 0.021493 0.031215
Diabetes 0.045579 0.045944 0.034855 0.028225
AF 0.042571 0.051099 -0.005837 0.031592
COPD 0.030174 0.049191 0.058040 0.030069
CRF 0.024396 0.051150 0.039778 0.031179
Returning_patient -0.097966 0.122227 0.122055 0.073013

Model summary for event: 1

n_jt success alpha_jt
In_hospital_death Discharge_relative_date
1 1 212 True -3.901826
2 184 True -3.950053
3 174 True -3.925112
4 138 True -4.085360
5 139 True -3.992844
6 149 True -3.848771
7 128 True -3.922036
8 120 True -3.908204
9 81 True -4.240269
10 95 True -4.018168
11 82 True -4.095930
12 88 True -3.938631
13 74 True -4.050635
14 65 True -4.108051
15 60 True -4.120188
16 43 True -4.377010
17 56 True -4.067527
18 48 True -4.157987
19 52 True -4.023369
20 49 True -4.016882
21 37 True -4.229897
22 35 True -4.222299
23 42 True -3.979030
24 38 True -4.007955
25 29 True -4.217928
26 36 True -3.923879
27 33 True -3.954917
28 30 True -3.978909
29 27 True -4.023108
30 18 True -4.347235

Model summary for event: 2

n_jt success alpha_jt
In_hospital_death Discharge_relative_date
2 1 628 True -2.755714
2 515 True -2.869952
3 466 True -2.889717
4 383 True -3.012315
5 393 True -2.908478
6 330 True -3.011169
7 332 True -2.923762
8 251 True -3.136989
9 242 True -3.104749
10 232 True -3.082277
11 247 True -2.942857
12 215 True -3.012719
13 209 True -2.966362
14 174 True -3.083501
15 163 True -3.082805
16 145 True -3.138006
17 134 True -3.160356
18 111 True -3.290827
19 123 True -3.127649
20 114 True -3.138881
21 112 True -3.090689
22 105 True -3.093272
23 107 True -3.007764
24 77 True -3.276149
25 99 True -2.956023
26 82 True -3.082226
27 80 True -3.037766
28 59 True -3.280251
29 73 True -2.997231
30 69 True -2.985297
j1_params j1_SE j2_params j2_SE
Age 0.012234 0.021289 0.018675 0.013089
Gender 0.072557 0.048761 0.032534 0.029895
Weight -0.085851 0.039237 -0.096352 0.024137
Height -0.109585 0.028974 -0.057043 0.017838
BMI -0.113686 0.038058 -0.069863 0.023324
Smoking 0.006120 0.060227 -0.086379 0.037199
Hypertension -0.066527 0.052036 0.021493 0.031215
Diabetes 0.045579 0.045944 0.034855 0.028225
AF 0.042571 0.051099 -0.005837 0.031592
COPD 0.030174 0.049191 0.058040 0.030069
CRF 0.024396 0.051150 0.039778 0.031179
Returning_patient -0.097966 0.122227 0.122055 0.073013
from pydts.examples_utils.plots import add_panel_text
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(18,8))
ax = axes[0]
fitter.plot_all_events_alpha(ax=ax, show=False)
ax.legend(fontsize=16, loc='center right')
add_panel_text(ax, 'a')
ax = axes[1]
fitter.plot_all_events_beta(ax=ax, show=False, xlabel='Value')
ax.legend(fontsize=16, loc='center right')
add_panel_text(ax, 'b')


pred_df = fitter.predict_cumulative_incident_function(fit_df.iloc[2:5]).T
pred_df = pred_df.iloc[1:]
pred_df.columns = ['ID=2', 'ID=3', 'ID=4']
ID=2 ID=3 ID=4
Age 0.216468 0.356748 -0.509686
Gender 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Weight -0.706832 0.001731 0.001731
Height 0.715064 -0.738724 -0.610285
BMI -1.496554 -0.010699 -0.010699