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Data Expansion Procedure of Lee et al. (2018)

This class implements the estimation procedure of Lee et al. (2018) [1]. See also the Example section.


    from pydts.fitters import DataExpansionFitter
    fitter = DataExpansionFitter(), event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')


[1] Lee, Minjung and Feuer, Eric J. and Fine, Jason P., "On the analysis of discrete time competing risks data", Biometrics (2018) doi: 10.1111/biom.12881

Source code in pydts/
class DataExpansionFitter(ExpansionBasedFitter):
    This class implements the estimation procedure of Lee et al. (2018) [1].
    See also the Example section.

        ```py linenums="1"
            from pydts.fitters import DataExpansionFitter
            fitter = DataExpansionFitter()
  , event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')

        [1] Lee, Minjung and Feuer, Eric J. and Fine, Jason P., "On the analysis of discrete time competing risks data", Biometrics (2018) doi: 10.1111/biom.12881

    def __init__(self):
        self.models_kwargs = dict(family=sm.families.Binomial())

    def _fit_event(self, model_fit_kwargs={}):
        This method fits a model for a GLM model for a specific event.

            model_fit_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to method.

            fitted GLM model
        model = sm.GLM.from_formula(formula=self.formula, data=self.expanded_df, **self.models_kwargs)

    def fit(self,
            df: pd.DataFrame,
            event_type_col: str = 'J',
            duration_col: str = 'X',
            pid_col: str = 'pid',
            skip_expansion: bool = False,
            covariates: Optional[list] = None,
            formula: Optional[str] = None,
            models_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
            model_fit_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}) -> dict:
        This method fits a model to the discrete data.

            df (pd.DataFrame): training data for fitting the model
            event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                                  Right censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
            duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df).
            pid_col (str): Sample ID column name (must be a column in df).
            skip_expansion (boolean): Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]).
                                      When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data.
            covariates (list, Optional): A list of covariates, all must be columns in df.
                                         Defaults to all the columns of df except event_type_col, duration_col, and pid_col.
            formula (str, Optional): Model formula to be fitted. Patsy format string.
            models_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to model instance initiation.
            model_fit_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to method.

            event_models (dict): Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event.

            [1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",

        if models_kwargs is not None:
            self.models_kwargs = models_kwargs

        if 'C' in df.columns:
            raise ValueError('C is an invalid column name, to avoid errors with categorical symbol C() in formula')
        self._validate_cols(df, event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col)
        if covariates is not None:
            cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates if cov not in df.columns]
            if len(cov_not_in_df) > 0:
                raise ValueError(f"Error during fit - missing covariates from df: {cov_not_in_df}") = [c for c in sorted(df[event_type_col].unique()) if c != 0]
        self.covariates = [col for col in df if col not in [event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col]] \
                          if covariates is None else covariates
        self.times = sorted(df[duration_col].unique())

        if not skip_expansion:
            self.expanded_df = self._expand_data(df=df, event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col,
            print('Skipping data expansion step, only use this option if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded.')
            self.expanded_df = df

        for event in
            cov = ' + '.join(self.covariates)
            _formula = f'j_{event} ~ {formula}' if formula is not None else \
                f'j_{event} ~ {cov} + C({duration_col}) -1 '
            self.formula = _formula
            self.event_models[event] = self._fit_event(model_fit_kwargs=model_fit_kwargs)
        return self.event_models

    def print_summary(self,
                      summary_func: str = "summary",
                      summary_kwargs: dict = {}) -> None:
        This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.

            summary_func (str, Optional): print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary").
            summary_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function.

        for event, model in self.event_models.items():
            _summary_func = getattr(model, summary_func, None)
            if _summary_func is not None:
                print(f'\n\nModel summary for event: {event}')
                print(f'Not {summary_func} function in event {event} model')

    def predict_hazard_jt(self,
                          df: pd.DataFrame,
                          event: Union[str, int],
                          t: Union[Iterable, int],
                          n_jobs: int = -1) -> pd.DataFrame:
        This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in
        the training set of the event.

            df (pd.DataFrame): samples to predict for
            event (Union[str, int]): event name
            t (np.array): times to calculate the hazard for
            n_jobs: number of CPUs to use, defualt to every available CPU
            df (pd.DataFrame): samples with the prediction columns
        t = self._validate_t(t, return_iter=True)
        assert event in, \
            f"Cannot predict for event {event} - it was not included during .fit()"

        _t = np.array([t_i for t_i in t if (f'hazard_j{event}_t{t_i}' not in df.columns)])
        if len(_t) == 0:
            return df

        temp_df = df.copy()
        model = self.event_models[event]
        res = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(model.predict)(df[self.covariates].assign(X=c)) for c in t)
        temp_hazard_df = pd.concat(res, axis=1)
        temp_df[[f'hazard_j{event}_t{c_}' for c_ in t]] = temp_hazard_df.values
        return temp_df

    def get_beta_SE(self):
        This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.

            se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe


        full_table = pd.DataFrame()
        for event in
            summary = self.event_models[event].summary()
            summary_df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(',') for x in summary.tables[1].as_csv().split('\n')])
            summary_df.columns = summary_df.iloc[0]
            summary_df = summary_df.iloc[1:].set_index(summary_df.columns[0])
            summary_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], summary_df.columns])
            full_table = pd.concat([full_table, summary_df.iloc[-len(self.covariates):]], axis=1)
        return full_table

    def get_alpha_df(self):
        This function returns the Alpha coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.

            se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Alpha coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe


        full_table = pd.DataFrame()
        for event in
            summary = self.event_models[event].summary()
            summary_df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(',') for x in summary.tables[1].as_csv().split('\n')])
            summary_df.columns = summary_df.iloc[0]
            summary_df = summary_df.iloc[1:].set_index(summary_df.columns[0])
            summary_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], summary_df.columns])
            full_table = pd.concat([full_table, summary_df.iloc[:-len(self.covariates)-1]], axis=1)
        return full_table

fit(self, df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', pid_col='pid', skip_expansion=False, covariates=None, formula=None, models_kwargs=None, model_fit_kwargs={}) ¤

This method fits a model to the discrete data.


Name Type Description Default
df pd.DataFrame

training data for fitting the model

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df).

pid_col str

Sample ID column name (must be a column in df).

skip_expansion boolean

Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]). When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data.

covariates list, Optional

A list of covariates, all must be columns in df. Defaults to all the columns of df except event_type_col, duration_col, and pid_col.

formula str, Optional

Model formula to be fitted. Patsy format string.

models_kwargs dict, Optional

Keyword arguments to pass to model instance initiation.

model_fit_kwargs dict, Optional

Keyword arguments to pass to method.



Type Description
event_models (dict)

Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event.


[1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",

Source code in pydts/
def fit(self,
        df: pd.DataFrame,
        event_type_col: str = 'J',
        duration_col: str = 'X',
        pid_col: str = 'pid',
        skip_expansion: bool = False,
        covariates: Optional[list] = None,
        formula: Optional[str] = None,
        models_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
        model_fit_kwargs: Optional[dict] = {}) -> dict:
    This method fits a model to the discrete data.

        df (pd.DataFrame): training data for fitting the model
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df).
        pid_col (str): Sample ID column name (must be a column in df).
        skip_expansion (boolean): Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]).
                                  When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data.
        covariates (list, Optional): A list of covariates, all must be columns in df.
                                     Defaults to all the columns of df except event_type_col, duration_col, and pid_col.
        formula (str, Optional): Model formula to be fitted. Patsy format string.
        models_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to model instance initiation.
        model_fit_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to method.

        event_models (dict): Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event.

        [1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",

    if models_kwargs is not None:
        self.models_kwargs = models_kwargs

    if 'C' in df.columns:
        raise ValueError('C is an invalid column name, to avoid errors with categorical symbol C() in formula')
    self._validate_cols(df, event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col)
    if covariates is not None:
        cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates if cov not in df.columns]
        if len(cov_not_in_df) > 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Error during fit - missing covariates from df: {cov_not_in_df}") = [c for c in sorted(df[event_type_col].unique()) if c != 0]
    self.covariates = [col for col in df if col not in [event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col]] \
                      if covariates is None else covariates
    self.times = sorted(df[duration_col].unique())

    if not skip_expansion:
        self.expanded_df = self._expand_data(df=df, event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col,
        print('Skipping data expansion step, only use this option if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded.')
        self.expanded_df = df

    for event in
        cov = ' + '.join(self.covariates)
        _formula = f'j_{event} ~ {formula}' if formula is not None else \
            f'j_{event} ~ {cov} + C({duration_col}) -1 '
        self.formula = _formula
        self.event_models[event] = self._fit_event(model_fit_kwargs=model_fit_kwargs)
    return self.event_models

get_alpha_df(self) ¤

This function returns the Alpha coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.


Type Description
se_df (pandas.DataFrame)

Alpha coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe

Source code in pydts/
def get_alpha_df(self):
    This function returns the Alpha coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.

        se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Alpha coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe


    full_table = pd.DataFrame()
    for event in
        summary = self.event_models[event].summary()
        summary_df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(',') for x in summary.tables[1].as_csv().split('\n')])
        summary_df.columns = summary_df.iloc[0]
        summary_df = summary_df.iloc[1:].set_index(summary_df.columns[0])
        summary_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], summary_df.columns])
        full_table = pd.concat([full_table, summary_df.iloc[:-len(self.covariates)-1]], axis=1)
    return full_table

get_beta_SE(self) ¤

This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.


Type Description
se_df (pandas.DataFrame)

Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe

Source code in pydts/
def get_beta_SE(self):
    This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.

        se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe


    full_table = pd.DataFrame()
    for event in
        summary = self.event_models[event].summary()
        summary_df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(',') for x in summary.tables[1].as_csv().split('\n')])
        summary_df.columns = summary_df.iloc[0]
        summary_df = summary_df.iloc[1:].set_index(summary_df.columns[0])
        summary_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], summary_df.columns])
        full_table = pd.concat([full_table, summary_df.iloc[-len(self.covariates):]], axis=1)
    return full_table

predict_hazard_jt(self, df, event, t, n_jobs=-1) ¤

This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in the training set of the event.


Name Type Description Default
df pd.DataFrame

samples to predict for

event Union[str, int]

event name

t np.array

times to calculate the hazard for

n_jobs int

number of CPUs to use, defualt to every available CPU



Type Description
df (pd.DataFrame)

samples with the prediction columns

Source code in pydts/
def predict_hazard_jt(self,
                      df: pd.DataFrame,
                      event: Union[str, int],
                      t: Union[Iterable, int],
                      n_jobs: int = -1) -> pd.DataFrame:
    This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in
    the training set of the event.

        df (pd.DataFrame): samples to predict for
        event (Union[str, int]): event name
        t (np.array): times to calculate the hazard for
        n_jobs: number of CPUs to use, defualt to every available CPU
        df (pd.DataFrame): samples with the prediction columns
    t = self._validate_t(t, return_iter=True)
    assert event in, \
        f"Cannot predict for event {event} - it was not included during .fit()"

    _t = np.array([t_i for t_i in t if (f'hazard_j{event}_t{t_i}' not in df.columns)])
    if len(_t) == 0:
        return df

    temp_df = df.copy()
    model = self.event_models[event]
    res = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(model.predict)(df[self.covariates].assign(X=c)) for c in t)
    temp_hazard_df = pd.concat(res, axis=1)
    temp_df[[f'hazard_j{event}_t{c_}' for c_ in t]] = temp_hazard_df.values
    return temp_df

print_summary(self, summary_func='summary', summary_kwargs={}) ¤

This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.


Name Type Description Default
summary_func str, Optional

print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary").

summary_kwargs dict, Optional

Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function.



Type Description


Source code in pydts/
def print_summary(self,
                  summary_func: str = "summary",
                  summary_kwargs: dict = {}) -> None:
    This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.

        summary_func (str, Optional): print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary").
        summary_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function.

    for event, model in self.event_models.items():
        _summary_func = getattr(model, summary_func, None)
        if _summary_func is not None:
            print(f'\n\nModel summary for event: {event}')
            print(f'Not {summary_func} function in event {event} model')