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event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df, event, t, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.

t int

time to calculate the AUC for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
result (pd.Series)

event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                            event: int,
                            t: int,
                            event_type_col: str = 'J',
                            duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.
        t (int): time to calculate the AUC for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        result (pd.Series): event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

    event_observed_at_t_df = pred_df[(pred_df[event_type_col] == event) & (pred_df[duration_col] == t)]
    no_event_at_t_df = pred_df[pred_df[duration_col] >= t]
    no_event_at_t_df = no_event_at_t_df[~((no_event_at_t_df[event_type_col] == event) &
                                          (no_event_at_t_df[duration_col] == t))]
    total_t = (len(event_observed_at_t_df)*len(no_event_at_t_df))
    if total_t == 0:
        print(f'AUC could not be calculated for event {event} at time {t} - no test pairs of with and without observed event {event} at time {t}')
        return np.nan
    correct_order = 0
    for i_idx, i_row in event_observed_at_t_df.iterrows():
        pi_ij = i_row.loc[f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
        pi_mj = no_event_at_t_df.loc[:, f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
        correct_order += ((pi_ij > pi_mj).sum()+0.5*(pi_ij == pi_mj).sum())
    return correct_order / total_t

event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the AUC for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
result (pd.Series)

event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                                event: int,
                                event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the AUC for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        result (pd.Series): event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

    res = {}
    for t in sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]:
        res[t] = event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df=pred_df, event=event, t=t,
                                         event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col)
    return pd.Series(res, name=event)

event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df, event, t, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate Brier Score for. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.

t int

time to calculate the Brier Score for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
result (pd.Series)

event specific Brier Score at time t.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                                    event: int,
                                    t: int,
                                    event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                    duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score for.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.
        t (int): time to calculate the Brier Score for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        result (pd.Series): event specific Brier Score at time t.

    pi_ij = pred_df.loc[:, f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
    D_ij = ((pred_df.loc[:, event_type_col] == event) & (pred_df.loc[:, duration_col] == t)).astype(int)
    censoring_kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()[duration_col], event_observed=(pred_df[event_type_col] == 0))
    in_risk_set_at_t = (pred_df.loc[:, duration_col] >= t).astype(int)
    W_ij = (in_risk_set_at_t / censoring_kmf.predict(times=t))
    BS_jt = ((W_ij*((D_ij - pi_ij)**2)).sum() / in_risk_set_at_t.sum())
    return BS_jt

event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See c

event int

Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
result (pd.Series)

event specific Brier Score for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                                        event: int,
                                        event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                        duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See c
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        result (pd.Series): event specific Brier Score for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.

    res = {}
    for t in sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]:
        res[t] = event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df=pred_df, event=event, t=t,
                                                 event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col)
    return pd.Series(res, name=event)

event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', weights=None) ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated auc.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.

weights pd.Series

Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.



Type Description
result (float)

integrated AUC results.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                                  event: int,
                                  event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                  duration_col: str = 'X',
                                  weights: Union[pd.Series, None] = None) -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated auc.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        weights (pd.Series): Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.
        result (float): integrated AUC results.

    auc_at_t = event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,

    if auc_at_t.isnull().any():
        print(f'There are NaN values in AUC(t) during Integrated AUC calculation for event {event}. Times: {auc_at_t[auc_at_t.isnull()].index}\n')

    if weights is None:
        if auc_at_t.isnull().any():
            print(f'Please check there are events of type {event} at each time in pred_df or provide a weights vector with weight 0 for the problematic times.')
            return np.nan
        weights = event_specific_weights(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,

    result =
    return result

event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', weights=None) ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated Brier Score.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the integrated Brier Score for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.

weights pd.Series

Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.



Type Description
result (float)

integrated Brier Score results.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                                          event: int,
                                          event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                          duration_col: str = 'X',
                                          weights: Union[pd.Series, None] = None) -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated Brier Score.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated Brier Score for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        weights (pd.Series): Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.
        result (float): integrated Brier Score results.

    brier_score_at_t = event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,

    if brier_score_at_t.isnull().any():
        print(f'There are NaN values in BS(t) during Integrated Brier Score calculation for event {event}. Times: {brier_score_at_t[brier_score_at_t.isnull()].index}\n')

    if weights is None:
        weights = event_specific_weights(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,

    result =
    return result

event_specific_weights(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the event specific time-weights.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

event int

Event-type to calculate the weights for.

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
result (pd.Series)

event specific weights.

Source code in pydts/
def event_specific_weights(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                           event: int,
                           event_type_col: str = 'J',
                           duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
    This function implements the calculation of the event specific time-weights.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        event (int): Event-type to calculate the weights for.
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        result (pd.Series): event specific weights.

    event_df = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] == event]
    if len(event_df) == 0:
        print(f'Could not calculate weights for event {event} - no test events')
        return np.nan
    weights = event_df.groupby(duration_col).size() / event_df.groupby(duration_col).size().sum()
    times = sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]
    return weights.reindex(times).fillna(0)

events_auc_at_t(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the events AUC at t.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate AUC. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
event_auc_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame)

events AUC at t results.

Source code in pydts/
def events_auc_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                    event_type_col: str = 'J',
                    duration_col: str ='X') -> pd.DataFrame:
    This function implements the calculation of the events AUC at t.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate AUC.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        event_auc_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame): events AUC at t results.

    events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
    event_auc_at_t_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for event in sorted(events):
        event_auc_at_t_df = pd.concat([event_auc_at_t_df,
    return event_auc_at_t_df.T

events_brier_score_at_t(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the events Brier score at t.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
event_brier_score_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame)

events Brier score at t results.

Source code in pydts/
def events_brier_score_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                            event_type_col: str = 'J',
                            duration_col: str ='X') -> pd.DataFrame:
    This function implements the calculation of the events Brier score at t.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        event_brier_score_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame): events Brier score at t results.

    events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
    event_brier_score_at_t_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for event in sorted(events):
        event_brier_score_at_t_df = pd.concat([event_brier_score_at_t_df,
    return event_brier_score_at_t_df.T

events_integrated_auc(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the integrated AUC to all events.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
integrated_auc (dict)

integrated AUC results.

Source code in pydts/
def events_integrated_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame, event_type_col: str = 'J',
                          duration_col: str ='X') -> dict:
    This function implements the calculation of the integrated AUC to all events.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        integrated_auc (dict): integrated AUC results.

    events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
    integrated_auc = {}
    for event in sorted(events):
        integrated_auc[event] = event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df=pred_df,
    return integrated_auc

events_integrated_brier_score(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the integrated Brier Score to all events.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate integrated Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
integrated_brier_score (dict)

integrated Brier Score results.

Source code in pydts/
def events_integrated_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame, event_type_col: str = 'J',
                                  duration_col: str ='X') -> dict:
    This function implements the calculation of the integrated Brier Score to all events.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate integrated Brier Score.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        integrated_brier_score (dict): integrated Brier Score results.

    events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
    integrated_brier_score = {}
    for event in sorted(events):
        integrated_brier_score[event] = event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df=pred_df,
    return integrated_brier_score

global_auc(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the global AUC.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
global_auc (float)

global AUC results.

Source code in pydts/
def global_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
               event_type_col: str = 'J',
               duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the global AUC.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        global_auc (float): global AUC results.

    e_j_ser = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] != 0].groupby('J').size().sort_index()
    total_e = e_j_ser.sum()
    global_auc = 0
    for event, e_j in e_j_ser.iteritems():
        global_auc += (e_j / total_e) * event_specific_integrated_auc(
            pred_df=pred_df, event=event, event_type_col=event_type_col,
    return global_auc

global_brier_score(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X') ¤

This function implements the calculation of the global Brier Score.


Name Type Description Default
pred_df pd.DataFrame

Data to calculate Brier score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()

duration_col str

Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).

event_type_col str

The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.



Type Description
global_auc (float)

global Brier Score results.

Source code in pydts/
def global_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
                       event_type_col: str = 'J',
                       duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
    This function implements the calculation of the global Brier Score.

        pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier score.
                                Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
                                See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
        duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
        event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
                              Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
        global_auc (float): global Brier Score results.

    e_j_ser = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] != 0].groupby('J').size().sort_index()
    total_e = e_j_ser.sum()
    global_bs = 0
    for event, e_j in e_j_ser.iteritems():
        global_bs += (e_j / total_e) * event_specific_integrated_brier_score(
            pred_df=pred_df, event=event, event_type_col=event_type_col,
    return global_bs