event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df, event, t, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for. |
required |
t |
int |
time to calculate the AUC for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
result (pd.Series) |
event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
t: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.
t (int): time to calculate the AUC for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
result (pd.Series): event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
event_observed_at_t_df = pred_df[(pred_df[event_type_col] == event) & (pred_df[duration_col] == t)]
no_event_at_t_df = pred_df[pred_df[duration_col] >= t]
no_event_at_t_df = no_event_at_t_df[~((no_event_at_t_df[event_type_col] == event) &
(no_event_at_t_df[duration_col] == t))]
total_t = (len(event_observed_at_t_df)*len(no_event_at_t_df))
if total_t == 0:
print(f'AUC could not be calculated for event {event} at time {t} - no test pairs of with and without observed event {event} at time {t}')
return np.nan
correct_order = 0
for i_idx, i_row in event_observed_at_t_df.iterrows():
pi_ij = i_row.loc[f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
pi_mj = no_event_at_t_df.loc[:, f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
correct_order += ((pi_ij > pi_mj).sum()+0.5*(pi_ij == pi_mj).sum())
return correct_order / total_t
event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the AUC for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
result (pd.Series) |
event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific AUC at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the AUC for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
result (pd.Series): event specific AUC for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
res = {}
for t in sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]:
res[t] = event_specific_auc_at_t(pred_df=pred_df, event=event, t=t,
event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col)
return pd.Series(res, name=event)
event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df, event, t, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate Brier Score for. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for. |
required |
t |
int |
time to calculate the Brier Score for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
result (pd.Series) |
event specific Brier Score at time t. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
t: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score for.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.
t (int): time to calculate the Brier Score for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
result (pd.Series): event specific Brier Score at time t.
pi_ij = pred_df.loc[:, f'prob_j{event}_at_t{t}']
D_ij = ((pred_df.loc[:, event_type_col] == event) & (pred_df.loc[:, duration_col] == t)).astype(int)
censoring_kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()
censoring_kmf.fit(durations=pred_df[duration_col], event_observed=(pred_df[event_type_col] == 0))
in_risk_set_at_t = (pred_df.loc[:, duration_col] >= t).astype(int)
W_ij = (in_risk_set_at_t / censoring_kmf.predict(times=t))
BS_jt = ((W_ij*((D_ij - pi_ij)**2)).sum() / in_risk_set_at_t.sum())
return BS_jt
event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See c |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
result (pd.Series) |
event specific Brier Score for all times included in duration_col of pred_df. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific Brier Score at time t for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See c
event (int): Event-type to calculate the Brier Score for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
result (pd.Series): event specific Brier Score for all times included in duration_col of pred_df.
res = {}
for t in sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]:
res[t] = event_specific_brier_score_at_t(pred_df=pred_df, event=event, t=t,
event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col)
return pd.Series(res, name=event)
event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', weights=None)
This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated auc.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
weights |
pd.Series |
Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times. |
None |
Type | Description |
result (float) |
integrated AUC results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X',
weights: Union[pd.Series, None] = None) -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated auc.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated AUC for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
weights (pd.Series): Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.
result (float): integrated AUC results.
auc_at_t = event_specific_auc_at_t_all(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,
if auc_at_t.isnull().any():
print(f'There are NaN values in AUC(t) during Integrated AUC calculation for event {event}. Times: {auc_at_t[auc_at_t.isnull()].index}\n')
if weights is None:
if auc_at_t.isnull().any():
print(f'Please check there are events of type {event} at each time in pred_df or provide a weights vector with weight 0 for the problematic times.')
return np.nan
weights = event_specific_weights(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,
result = auc_at_t.dot(weights.sort_index())
return result
event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', weights=None)
This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated Brier Score.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the integrated Brier Score for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
weights |
pd.Series |
Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times. |
None |
Type | Description |
result (float) |
integrated Brier Score results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X',
weights: Union[pd.Series, None] = None) -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific integrated Brier Score.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier Score.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the integrated Brier Score for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
weights (pd.Series): Optional. Weights vector with time as index and weight as value. Length must be the number of possible event times.
result (float): integrated Brier Score results.
brier_score_at_t = event_specific_brier_score_at_t_all(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,
if brier_score_at_t.isnull().any():
print(f'There are NaN values in BS(t) during Integrated Brier Score calculation for event {event}. Times: {brier_score_at_t[brier_score_at_t.isnull()].index}\n')
if weights is None:
weights = event_specific_weights(pred_df=pred_df, event=event,
result = brier_score_at_t.dot(weights.sort_index())
return result
event_specific_weights(pred_df, event, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the event specific time-weights.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
event |
int |
Event-type to calculate the weights for. |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
result (pd.Series) |
event specific weights. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def event_specific_weights(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event: int,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> pd.Series:
This function implements the calculation of the event specific time-weights.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for the event.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
event (int): Event-type to calculate the weights for.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
result (pd.Series): event specific weights.
event_df = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] == event]
if len(event_df) == 0:
print(f'Could not calculate weights for event {event} - no test events')
return np.nan
weights = event_df.groupby(duration_col).size() / event_df.groupby(duration_col).size().sum()
times = sorted(pred_df[duration_col].unique())[:-1]
return weights.reindex(times).fillna(0)
events_auc_at_t(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the events AUC at t.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate AUC. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
event_auc_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame) |
events AUC at t results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def events_auc_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str ='X') -> pd.DataFrame:
This function implements the calculation of the events AUC at t.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate AUC.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
event_auc_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame): events AUC at t results.
events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
event_auc_at_t_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event in sorted(events):
event_auc_at_t_df = pd.concat([event_auc_at_t_df,
return event_auc_at_t_df.T
events_brier_score_at_t(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the events Brier score at t.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
event_brier_score_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame) |
events Brier score at t results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def events_brier_score_at_t(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str ='X') -> pd.DataFrame:
This function implements the calculation of the events Brier score at t.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
event_brier_score_at_t_df (pd.DataFrame): events Brier score at t results.
events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
event_brier_score_at_t_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event in sorted(events):
event_brier_score_at_t_df = pd.concat([event_brier_score_at_t_df,
return event_brier_score_at_t_df.T
events_integrated_auc(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the integrated AUC to all events.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
integrated_auc (dict) |
integrated AUC results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def events_integrated_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame, event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str ='X') -> dict:
This function implements the calculation of the integrated AUC to all events.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
integrated_auc (dict): integrated AUC results.
events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
integrated_auc = {}
for event in sorted(events):
integrated_auc[event] = event_specific_integrated_auc(pred_df=pred_df,
return integrated_auc
events_integrated_brier_score(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the integrated Brier Score to all events.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate integrated Brier Score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
integrated_brier_score (dict) |
integrated Brier Score results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def events_integrated_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame, event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str ='X') -> dict:
This function implements the calculation of the integrated Brier Score to all events.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate integrated Brier Score.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
integrated_brier_score (dict): integrated Brier Score results.
events = [e for e in pred_df[event_type_col].unique() if e != 0]
integrated_brier_score = {}
for event in sorted(events):
integrated_brier_score[event] = event_specific_integrated_brier_score(pred_df=pred_df,
return integrated_brier_score
global_auc(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the global AUC.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate prediction error. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
global_auc (float) |
global AUC results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def global_auc(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the global AUC.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate prediction error.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
global_auc (float): global AUC results.
e_j_ser = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] != 0].groupby('J').size().sort_index()
total_e = e_j_ser.sum()
global_auc = 0
for event, e_j in e_j_ser.iteritems():
global_auc += (e_j / total_e) * event_specific_integrated_auc(
pred_df=pred_df, event=event, event_type_col=event_type_col,
return global_auc
global_brier_score(pred_df, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
This function implements the calculation of the global Brier Score.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pred_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Data to calculate Brier score. Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events. See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events() |
required |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df). |
'X' |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
Type | Description |
global_auc (float) |
global Brier Score results. |
Source code in pydts/evaluation.py
def global_brier_score(pred_df: pd.DataFrame,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X') -> float:
This function implements the calculation of the global Brier Score.
pred_df (pd.DataFrame): Data to calculate Brier score.
Must contain the observed duration and event-type, and the probability of event at time t prediction results for all events.
See TwoStagesFitter.predict_prob_events()
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in pred_df).
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
global_auc (float): global Brier Score results.
e_j_ser = pred_df[pred_df[event_type_col] != 0].groupby('J').size().sort_index()
total_e = e_j_ser.sum()
global_bs = 0
for event, e_j in e_j_ser.iteritems():
global_bs += (e_j / total_e) * event_specific_integrated_brier_score(
pred_df=pred_df, event=event, event_type_col=event_type_col,
return global_bs