Event Times Sampler
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
class EventTimesSampler(object):
def __init__(self, d_times: int, j_event_types: int):
This class implements sampling procedure for discrete event times and censoring times for given observations.
d_times (int): number of possible event times
j_event_types (int): number of possible event types
self.d_times = d_times
self.times = range(1, self.d_times + 2) # d + 1 for administrative censoring
self.j_event_types = j_event_types
self.events = range(1, self.j_event_types + 1)
def _validate_prob_dfs_list(self, dfs_list: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> list:
for df in dfs_list:
if (((df < (0-numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any()) or ((df > (1+numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any())):
raise ValueError("The chosen sampling parameters result in invalid probabilities for event j at time t")
# Only fixes numerical errors smaller than the tolerance size
df.clip(0, 1, inplace=True)
return dfs_list
def calculate_hazards(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame, hazard_coefs: dict, events: list = None) -> list:
Calculates the hazard function for the observations given the hazard coefficients.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
coefficients (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type.
hazards_dfs (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the hazard function at time t to each of the observations.
events = events if events is not None else self.events
a_t = {}
for event in events:
if callable(hazard_coefs['alpha'][event]):
a_t[event] = {t: hazard_coefs['alpha'][event](t) for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)}
a_t[event] = {t: hazard_coefs['alpha'][event][t-1] for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)}
b = pd.concat([observations_df.dot(hazard_coefs['beta'][j]) for j in events], axis=1, keys=events)
hazards_dfs = [pd.concat([expit((a_t[j][t] + b[j]).astype(float)) for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)],
axis=1, keys=(range(1, self.d_times + 1))) for j in events]
return hazards_dfs
def calculate_overall_survival(self, hazards: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> pd.DataFrame:
Calculates the overall survival function given the hazards
hazards (list): A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function)
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
overall_survival (pd.Dataframe): The overall survival functions
if (((sum(hazards)) > (1 + numerical_error_tolerance)).sum().sum() > 0):
raise ValueError("The chosen sampling parameters result in negative values of the overall survival function")
sum_hazards = sum(hazards).clip(0, 1)
overall_survival = pd.concat([pd.Series(1, index=hazards[0].index),
(1 - sum_hazards).cumprod(axis=1).iloc[:, :-1]], axis=1)
overall_survival.columns += 1
return overall_survival
def calculate_prob_event_at_t(self, hazards: list, overall_survival: pd.DataFrame,
numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> list:
Calculates the probability for event j at time t.
hazards (list): A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function)
overall_survival (pd.Dataframe): The overall survival functions
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
prob_event_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
prob_event_at_t = [hazard * overall_survival for hazard in hazards]
prob_event_at_t = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(prob_event_at_t, numerical_error_tolerance)
return prob_event_at_t
def calculate_prob_event_j(self, prob_j_at_t: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> list:
Calculates the total probability for event j.
prob_j_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
total_prob_j = [prob.sum(axis=1) for prob in prob_j_at_t]
total_prob_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
return total_prob_j
def calc_prob_t_given_j(self, prob_j_at_t, total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001):
Calculates the conditional probability for event occurrance at time t given J_i=j
prob_j_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
conditional_prob (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations.
conditional_prob = [prob.div(sumj, axis=0) for prob, sumj in zip(prob_j_at_t, total_prob_j)]
conditional_prob = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(conditional_prob, numerical_error_tolerance)
return conditional_prob
def sample_event_times(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame,
hazard_coefs: dict,
covariates: Union[list, None] = None,
events: Union[list, None] = None,
seed: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Sample event type and event occurance times
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
covariates (list): list of covariates name, must be a subset of observations_df.columns
coefficients (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type.
seed (int, None): numpy seed number for pseudo random sampling.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with additional columns for sampled event time (T) and event type (J).
if covariates is None:
covariates = [c for c in observations_df.columns if c not in ['X', 'T', 'C', 'J']]
events = events if events is not None else self.events
cov_df = observations_df[covariates]
hazards = self.calculate_hazards(cov_df, hazard_coefs, events=events)
overall_survival = self.calculate_overall_survival(hazards)
probs_j_at_t = self.calculate_prob_event_at_t(hazards, overall_survival)
total_prob_j = self.calculate_prob_event_j(probs_j_at_t)
probs_t_given_j = self.calc_prob_t_given_j(probs_j_at_t, total_prob_j)
sampled_jt = self.sample_jt(total_prob_j, probs_t_given_j)
if 'J' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('J', axis=1, inplace=True)
if 'T' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('T', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_jt], axis=1)
return observations_df
def sample_jt(self, total_prob_j: list, probs_t_given_j: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> pd.DataFrame:
Sample event type and event time for each observation
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
probs_t_given_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations.
sampled_df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with sampled event time and event type for each observation.
total_prob_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
probs_t_given_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(probs_t_given_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
# Add administrative censoring (no event occured until Tmax) probability as J=0
temp_sums = pd.concat([1 - sum(total_prob_j), *total_prob_j], axis=1, keys=[0, *self.events])
if (((temp_sums < (0 - numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any()) or \
((temp_sums > (1 + numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any())):
raise ValueError("The chosen sampling parameters result in invalid probabilities")
# Only fixes numerical errors smaller than the tolerance size
temp_sums.clip(0, 1, inplace=True)
# Efficient way to sample j for each observation with different event probabilities
sampled_df = (temp_sums.cumsum(1) > np.random.rand(temp_sums.shape[0])[:, None]).idxmax(axis=1).to_frame('J')
temp_ts = []
for j in self.events:
# Get the index of the observations with J_i = j
rel_j = sampled_df.query("J==@j").index
# Get probs dataframe from the dfs list
prob_df = probs_t_given_j[j - 1] # the prob j to sample from
# Sample time of occurrence given J_i = j
temp_ts.append((prob_df.loc[rel_j].cumsum(1) >= np.random.rand(rel_j.shape[0])[:, None]).idxmax(axis=1))
# Add Tmax+1 for observations with J_i = 0
temp_ts.append(pd.Series(self.d_times + 1, index=sampled_df.query('J==0').index))
sampled_df["T"] = pd.concat(temp_ts).sort_index()
return sampled_df
def sample_independent_lof_censoring(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame,
prob_lof_at_t: np.array, seed: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from probabilities independent of covariates.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
prob_lof_at_t (np.array): Array of probabilities for sampling each of the possible times.
seed (int): pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed()
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time.
administrative_censoring_prob = (1 - sum(prob_lof_at_t))
assert (administrative_censoring_prob >= 0), "Check the sum of prob_lof_at_t argument."
assert (administrative_censoring_prob <= 1), "Check the sum of prob_lof_at_t argument."
prob_lof_at_t = np.append(prob_lof_at_t, administrative_censoring_prob)
sampled_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(a=self.times, size=len(observations_df), p=prob_lof_at_t),
index=observations_df.index, columns=['C'])
# No follow-up censoring, C=d+2 such that T wins when building X column:
#sampled_df.loc[sampled_df['C'] == self.times[-1], 'C'] = self.d_times + 2
if 'C' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('C', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_df], axis=1)
return observations_df
def sample_hazard_lof_censoring(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame, censoring_hazard_coefs: dict,
seed: Union[int, None] = None,
covariates: Union[list, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from hazard coefficients.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
censoring_hazard_coefs (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for the censoring hazard.
seed (int): pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed()
covariates (list): list of covariates names, must be a subset of observations_df.columns
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time.
if covariates is None:
covariates = [c for c in observations_df.columns if c not in ['X', 'T', 'C', 'J']]
cov_df = observations_df[covariates]
tmp_ets = EventTimesSampler(d_times=self.d_times, j_event_types=1)
sampled_df = tmp_ets.sample_event_times(cov_df, censoring_hazard_coefs, seed=seed, covariates=covariates,
# No follow-up censoring, C=d+2 such that T wins when building X column:
#sampled_df.loc[sampled_df['J'] == 0, 'T'] = self.d_times + 2
sampled_df = sampled_df[['T']]
sampled_df.columns = ['C']
if 'C' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('C', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_df], axis=1)
return observations_df
def update_event_or_lof(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Updates time column 'X' to be the minimum between event time column 'T' and censoring time column 'C'.
Event type 'J' will be changed to 0 for observation with 'C' < 'T'.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations after sampling event times 'T' and censoring time 'C'.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with updated time column 'X' and event type column 'J'
assert ('T' in observations_df.columns), "Trying to update event or censoring before sampling event times"
assert ('C' in observations_df.columns), "Trying to update event or censoring before sampling censoring time"
observations_df['X'] = observations_df[['T', 'C']].min(axis=1)
observations_df.loc[observations_df.loc[(observations_df['C'] < observations_df['T'])].index, 'J'] = 0
return observations_df
__init__(self, d_times, j_event_types)
This class implements sampling procedure for discrete event times and censoring times for given observations.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
d_times |
int |
number of possible event times |
required |
j_event_types |
int |
number of possible event types |
required |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def __init__(self, d_times: int, j_event_types: int):
This class implements sampling procedure for discrete event times and censoring times for given observations.
d_times (int): number of possible event times
j_event_types (int): number of possible event types
self.d_times = d_times
self.times = range(1, self.d_times + 2) # d + 1 for administrative censoring
self.j_event_types = j_event_types
self.events = range(1, self.j_event_types + 1)
calc_prob_t_given_j(self, prob_j_at_t, total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001)
Calculates the conditional probability for event occurrance at time t given J_i=j
Name | Type | Description | Default |
prob_j_at_t |
list |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations. |
required |
total_prob_j |
list |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations. |
required |
numerical_error_tolerance |
float |
Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value. |
0.001 |
Type | Description |
conditional_prob (list) |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def calc_prob_t_given_j(self, prob_j_at_t, total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001):
Calculates the conditional probability for event occurrance at time t given J_i=j
prob_j_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
conditional_prob (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations.
conditional_prob = [prob.div(sumj, axis=0) for prob, sumj in zip(prob_j_at_t, total_prob_j)]
conditional_prob = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(conditional_prob, numerical_error_tolerance)
return conditional_prob
calculate_hazards(self, observations_df, hazard_coefs, events=None)
Calculates the hazard function for the observations given the hazard coefficients.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
observations_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Dataframe with observations covariates. |
required |
coefficients |
dict |
time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type. |
required |
Type | Description |
hazards_dfs (list) |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the hazard function at time t to each of the observations. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def calculate_hazards(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame, hazard_coefs: dict, events: list = None) -> list:
Calculates the hazard function for the observations given the hazard coefficients.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
coefficients (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type.
hazards_dfs (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the hazard function at time t to each of the observations.
events = events if events is not None else self.events
a_t = {}
for event in events:
if callable(hazard_coefs['alpha'][event]):
a_t[event] = {t: hazard_coefs['alpha'][event](t) for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)}
a_t[event] = {t: hazard_coefs['alpha'][event][t-1] for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)}
b = pd.concat([observations_df.dot(hazard_coefs['beta'][j]) for j in events], axis=1, keys=events)
hazards_dfs = [pd.concat([expit((a_t[j][t] + b[j]).astype(float)) for t in range(1, self.d_times + 1)],
axis=1, keys=(range(1, self.d_times + 1))) for j in events]
return hazards_dfs
calculate_overall_survival(self, hazards, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001)
Calculates the overall survival function given the hazards
Name | Type | Description | Default |
hazards |
list |
A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function) |
required |
numerical_error_tolerance |
float |
Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value. |
0.001 |
Type | Description |
overall_survival (pd.Dataframe) |
The overall survival functions |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def calculate_overall_survival(self, hazards: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> pd.DataFrame:
Calculates the overall survival function given the hazards
hazards (list): A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function)
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
overall_survival (pd.Dataframe): The overall survival functions
if (((sum(hazards)) > (1 + numerical_error_tolerance)).sum().sum() > 0):
raise ValueError("The chosen sampling parameters result in negative values of the overall survival function")
sum_hazards = sum(hazards).clip(0, 1)
overall_survival = pd.concat([pd.Series(1, index=hazards[0].index),
(1 - sum_hazards).cumprod(axis=1).iloc[:, :-1]], axis=1)
overall_survival.columns += 1
return overall_survival
calculate_prob_event_at_t(self, hazards, overall_survival, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001)
Calculates the probability for event j at time t.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
hazards |
list |
A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function) |
required |
overall_survival |
pd.Dataframe |
The overall survival functions |
required |
numerical_error_tolerance |
float |
Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value. |
0.001 |
Type | Description |
prob_event_at_t (list) |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def calculate_prob_event_at_t(self, hazards: list, overall_survival: pd.DataFrame,
numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> list:
Calculates the probability for event j at time t.
hazards (list): A list of hazards dataframes for each event type (as returned from EventTimesSampler.calculate_hazards function)
overall_survival (pd.Dataframe): The overall survival functions
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
prob_event_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
prob_event_at_t = [hazard * overall_survival for hazard in hazards]
prob_event_at_t = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(prob_event_at_t, numerical_error_tolerance)
return prob_event_at_t
calculate_prob_event_j(self, prob_j_at_t, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001)
Calculates the total probability for event j.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
prob_j_at_t |
list |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations. |
required |
numerical_error_tolerance |
float |
Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value. |
0.001 |
Type | Description |
total_prob_j (list) |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def calculate_prob_event_j(self, prob_j_at_t: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> list:
Calculates the total probability for event j.
prob_j_at_t (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the probability of event occurrance at time t to each of the observations.
numerical_error_tolerance (float): Tolerate numerical errors of probabilities up to this value.
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
total_prob_j = [prob.sum(axis=1) for prob in prob_j_at_t]
total_prob_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
return total_prob_j
sample_event_times(self, observations_df, hazard_coefs, covariates=None, events=None, seed=None)
Sample event type and event occurance times
Name | Type | Description | Default |
observations_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Dataframe with observations covariates. |
required |
covariates |
list |
list of covariates name, must be a subset of observations_df.columns |
None |
coefficients |
dict |
time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type. |
required |
seed |
int, None |
numpy seed number for pseudo random sampling. |
None |
Type | Description |
observations_df (pd.DataFrame) |
Dataframe with additional columns for sampled event time (T) and event type (J). |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def sample_event_times(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame,
hazard_coefs: dict,
covariates: Union[list, None] = None,
events: Union[list, None] = None,
seed: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Sample event type and event occurance times
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
covariates (list): list of covariates name, must be a subset of observations_df.columns
coefficients (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for each event type.
seed (int, None): numpy seed number for pseudo random sampling.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with additional columns for sampled event time (T) and event type (J).
if covariates is None:
covariates = [c for c in observations_df.columns if c not in ['X', 'T', 'C', 'J']]
events = events if events is not None else self.events
cov_df = observations_df[covariates]
hazards = self.calculate_hazards(cov_df, hazard_coefs, events=events)
overall_survival = self.calculate_overall_survival(hazards)
probs_j_at_t = self.calculate_prob_event_at_t(hazards, overall_survival)
total_prob_j = self.calculate_prob_event_j(probs_j_at_t)
probs_t_given_j = self.calc_prob_t_given_j(probs_j_at_t, total_prob_j)
sampled_jt = self.sample_jt(total_prob_j, probs_t_given_j)
if 'J' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('J', axis=1, inplace=True)
if 'T' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('T', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_jt], axis=1)
return observations_df
sample_hazard_lof_censoring(self, observations_df, censoring_hazard_coefs, seed=None, covariates=None)
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from hazard coefficients.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
observations_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Dataframe with observations covariates. |
required |
censoring_hazard_coefs |
dict |
time coefficients and covariates coefficients for the censoring hazard. |
required |
seed |
int |
pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed() |
None |
covariates |
list |
list of covariates names, must be a subset of observations_df.columns |
None |
Type | Description |
observations_df (pd.DataFrame) |
Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def sample_hazard_lof_censoring(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame, censoring_hazard_coefs: dict,
seed: Union[int, None] = None,
covariates: Union[list, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from hazard coefficients.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
censoring_hazard_coefs (dict): time coefficients and covariates coefficients for the censoring hazard.
seed (int): pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed()
covariates (list): list of covariates names, must be a subset of observations_df.columns
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time.
if covariates is None:
covariates = [c for c in observations_df.columns if c not in ['X', 'T', 'C', 'J']]
cov_df = observations_df[covariates]
tmp_ets = EventTimesSampler(d_times=self.d_times, j_event_types=1)
sampled_df = tmp_ets.sample_event_times(cov_df, censoring_hazard_coefs, seed=seed, covariates=covariates,
# No follow-up censoring, C=d+2 such that T wins when building X column:
#sampled_df.loc[sampled_df['J'] == 0, 'T'] = self.d_times + 2
sampled_df = sampled_df[['T']]
sampled_df.columns = ['C']
if 'C' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('C', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_df], axis=1)
return observations_df
sample_independent_lof_censoring(self, observations_df, prob_lof_at_t, seed=None)
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from probabilities independent of covariates.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
observations_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Dataframe with observations covariates. |
required |
prob_lof_at_t |
np.array |
Array of probabilities for sampling each of the possible times. |
required |
seed |
int |
pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed() |
None |
Type | Description |
observations_df (pd.DataFrame) |
Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def sample_independent_lof_censoring(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame,
prob_lof_at_t: np.array, seed: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Samples loss of follow-up censoring time from probabilities independent of covariates.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations covariates.
prob_lof_at_t (np.array): Array of probabilities for sampling each of the possible times.
seed (int): pseudo random seed number for numpy.random.seed()
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Upadted dataframe including sampled censoring time.
administrative_censoring_prob = (1 - sum(prob_lof_at_t))
assert (administrative_censoring_prob >= 0), "Check the sum of prob_lof_at_t argument."
assert (administrative_censoring_prob <= 1), "Check the sum of prob_lof_at_t argument."
prob_lof_at_t = np.append(prob_lof_at_t, administrative_censoring_prob)
sampled_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(a=self.times, size=len(observations_df), p=prob_lof_at_t),
index=observations_df.index, columns=['C'])
# No follow-up censoring, C=d+2 such that T wins when building X column:
#sampled_df.loc[sampled_df['C'] == self.times[-1], 'C'] = self.d_times + 2
if 'C' in observations_df.columns:
observations_df.drop('C', axis=1, inplace=True)
observations_df = pd.concat([observations_df, sampled_df], axis=1)
return observations_df
sample_jt(self, total_prob_j, probs_t_given_j, numerical_error_tolerance=0.001)
Sample event type and event time for each observation
Name | Type | Description | Default |
total_prob_j |
list |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations. |
required |
probs_t_given_j |
list |
A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations. |
required |
Type | Description |
sampled_df (pd.DataFrame) |
A dataframe with sampled event time and event type for each observation. |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def sample_jt(self, total_prob_j: list, probs_t_given_j: list, numerical_error_tolerance: float = 0.001) -> pd.DataFrame:
Sample event type and event time for each observation
total_prob_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the total probability of event occurrance to each of the observations.
probs_t_given_j (list): A list of dataframes, one for each event type, with the conditional probability of event occurrance at t given event type j to each of the observations.
sampled_df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with sampled event time and event type for each observation.
total_prob_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(total_prob_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
probs_t_given_j = self._validate_prob_dfs_list(probs_t_given_j, numerical_error_tolerance)
# Add administrative censoring (no event occured until Tmax) probability as J=0
temp_sums = pd.concat([1 - sum(total_prob_j), *total_prob_j], axis=1, keys=[0, *self.events])
if (((temp_sums < (0 - numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any()) or \
((temp_sums > (1 + numerical_error_tolerance)).any().any())):
raise ValueError("The chosen sampling parameters result in invalid probabilities")
# Only fixes numerical errors smaller than the tolerance size
temp_sums.clip(0, 1, inplace=True)
# Efficient way to sample j for each observation with different event probabilities
sampled_df = (temp_sums.cumsum(1) > np.random.rand(temp_sums.shape[0])[:, None]).idxmax(axis=1).to_frame('J')
temp_ts = []
for j in self.events:
# Get the index of the observations with J_i = j
rel_j = sampled_df.query("J==@j").index
# Get probs dataframe from the dfs list
prob_df = probs_t_given_j[j - 1] # the prob j to sample from
# Sample time of occurrence given J_i = j
temp_ts.append((prob_df.loc[rel_j].cumsum(1) >= np.random.rand(rel_j.shape[0])[:, None]).idxmax(axis=1))
# Add Tmax+1 for observations with J_i = 0
temp_ts.append(pd.Series(self.d_times + 1, index=sampled_df.query('J==0').index))
sampled_df["T"] = pd.concat(temp_ts).sort_index()
return sampled_df
update_event_or_lof(self, observations_df)
Updates time column 'X' to be the minimum between event time column 'T' and censoring time column 'C'. Event type 'J' will be changed to 0 for observation with 'C' < 'T'.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
observations_df |
pd.DataFrame |
Dataframe with observations after sampling event times 'T' and censoring time 'C'. |
required |
Type | Description |
observations_df (pd.DataFrame) |
Dataframe with updated time column 'X' and event type column 'J' |
Source code in pydts/data_generation.py
def update_event_or_lof(self, observations_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Updates time column 'X' to be the minimum between event time column 'T' and censoring time column 'C'.
Event type 'J' will be changed to 0 for observation with 'C' < 'T'.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with observations after sampling event times 'T' and censoring time 'C'.
observations_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with updated time column 'X' and event type column 'J'
assert ('T' in observations_df.columns), "Trying to update event or censoring before sampling event times"
assert ('C' in observations_df.columns), "Trying to update event or censoring before sampling censoring time"
observations_df['X'] = observations_df[['T', 'C']].min(axis=1)
observations_df.loc[observations_df.loc[(observations_df['C'] < observations_df['T'])].index, 'J'] = 0
return observations_df