The Two Stages Procedure of Meir and Gorfine (2023) - Efron
This class implements the approach of Meir et al. (2022):
[1] Meir, Tomer*, Gutman, Rom*, and Gorfine, Malka, "PyDTS: A Python Package for Discrete-Time Survival Analysis with Competing Risks" (2022)
Source code in pydts/
class TwoStagesFitter(ExpansionBasedFitter):
This class implements the approach of Meir et al. (2022):
```py linenums="1"
from pydts.fitters import TwoStagesFitter
fitter = TwoStagesFitter(), event_type_col='J', duration_col='X')
[1] Meir, Tomer\*, Gutman, Rom\*, and Gorfine, Malka, "PyDTS: A Python Package for Discrete-Time Survival Analysis with Competing Risks" (2022)
def __init__(self):
self.alpha_df = pd.DataFrame()
self.beta_models = {}
self.beta_models_params_attr = 'params_'
def _alpha_jt(self, x, df, y_t, beta_j, n_jt, t, event):
# Alpha_jt optimization objective
partial_df = df[df[self.duration_col] >= t]
if isinstance(self.covariates, list):
expit_add =[self.covariates], beta_j)
elif isinstance(self.covariates, dict):
expit_add =[self.covariates[event]], beta_j)
raise ValueError
return ((1 / y_t) * np.sum(expit(x + expit_add)) - (n_jt / y_t)) ** 2
def _fit_event_beta(self, expanded_df, event, model=CoxPHFitter, model_kwargs={}, model_fit_kwargs={}):
# Model fitting for conditional estimation of Beta_j for specific event
if isinstance(self.covariates, list):
strata_df = expanded_df[self.covariates + [f'j_{event}', self.duration_col]].copy()
elif isinstance(self.covariates, dict):
strata_df = expanded_df[self.covariates[event] + [f'j_{event}', self.duration_col]].copy()
raise TypeError
strata_df.loc[:, f'{self.duration_col}_copy'] = np.ones_like(expanded_df[self.duration_col])
beta_j_model = model(**model_kwargs)
if isinstance(self.covariates, list):[self.covariates + [f'{self.duration_col}', f'{self.duration_col}_copy', f'j_{event}']],
duration_col=f'{self.duration_col}_copy', event_col=f'j_{event}', strata=self.duration_col,
**model_fit_kwargs, batch_mode=False)
elif isinstance(self.covariates, dict):[self.covariates[event] + [f'{self.duration_col}', f'{self.duration_col}_copy', f'j_{event}']],
duration_col=f'{self.duration_col}_copy', event_col=f'j_{event}', strata=self.duration_col,
**model_fit_kwargs, batch_mode=False)
return beta_j_model
def _fit_beta(self, expanded_df, events, model=CoxPHFitter, model_kwargs={}, model_fit_kwargs={}):
# Model fitting for conditional estimation of Beta_j for all events
_model_kwargs_per_event = np.any([event in model_kwargs.keys() for event in events])
_model_fit_kwargs_per_event = np.any([event in model_fit_kwargs.keys() for event in events])
beta_models = {}
for event in events:
_model_kwargs = model_kwargs[event] if _model_kwargs_per_event else model_kwargs
_model_fit_kwargs = model_fit_kwargs[event] if _model_fit_kwargs_per_event else model_fit_kwargs
beta_models[event] = self._fit_event_beta(expanded_df=expanded_df, event=event,
model=model, model_kwargs=_model_kwargs,
return beta_models
def fit(self,
df: pd.DataFrame,
covariates: Union[list, dict] = None,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X',
pid_col: str = 'pid',
skip_expansion: bool = False,
x0: Union[np.array, int] = 0,
fit_beta_kwargs: dict = {},
verbose: int = 2,
nb_workers: int = WORKERS) -> dict:
This method fits a model to the discrete data.
df (pd.DataFrame): training data for fitting the model
covariates (list): list of covariates to be used in estimating the regression coefficients
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df).
pid_col (str): Sample ID column name (must be a column in df).
skip_expansion (boolean): Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]).
When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data.
x0 (Union[numpy.array, int], Optional): initial guess to pass to scipy.optimize.minimize function
fit_beta_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass on to the estimation procedure.
If different model for beta is desired, it can be defined here.
For example:
model=CoxPHFitter, # model object
model_kwargs={}, # keywords arguments to pass on to the model instance initiation
model_fit_kwargs={} # keywords arguments to pass on to method
verbose (int, Optional): The verbosity level of pandaallel
nb_workers (int, Optional): The number of workers to pandaallel. If not sepcified, defaults to the number of workers available.
event_models (dict): Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event.
[1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",
self._validate_cols(df, event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col) = [c for c in sorted(df[event_type_col].unique()) if c != 0]
if (covariates is not None):
cov_not_in_df = []
if isinstance(covariates, list):
cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates if cov not in df.columns]
elif isinstance(covariates, dict):
for event in
event_cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates[event] if cov not in df.columns]
if len(cov_not_in_df) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"Error during fit - missing covariates from df: {cov_not_in_df}")
#pandarallel.initialize(verbose=verbose, nb_workers=nb_workers)
if covariates is None:
covariates = [col for col in df if col not in [event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col]]
self.covariates = covariates
self.event_type_col = event_type_col
self.duration_col = duration_col
self.pid_col = pid_col
self.times = sorted(df[duration_col].unique())
if not skip_expansion:
expanded_df = self._expand_data(df=df, event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col,
print('Skipping data expansion step, only use this option if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded.')
expanded_df = df
self.beta_models = self._fit_beta(expanded_df,, **fit_beta_kwargs)
y_t = (df[duration_col]
.sort_index(ascending=False) # each event count for its occurring time and the times before
n_jt = df.groupby([event_type_col, duration_col]).size().to_frame().reset_index()
n_jt.columns = [event_type_col, duration_col, 'n_jt']
for event in
n_et = n_jt[n_jt[event_type_col] == event].copy()
if isinstance(self.beta_models[event], CoxPHFitter):
self.beta_models_params_attr = 'params_'
_res = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(minimize)(self._alpha_jt, x0=x0,
args=(df, y_t.loc[row[duration_col]],
row[duration_col], event),
options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08,
'maxiter': 200})
for _, row in n_et.iterrows())
n_et['success'] = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(lambda row: row.success)(val)
for val in _res)
n_et['alpha_jt'] = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(lambda row: row.x[0])(val)
for val in _res)
elif isinstance(self.beta_models[event], ConditionalResultsWrapper) or \
isinstance(self.beta_models[event], RegularizedResultsWrapper):
self.beta_models_params_attr = 'params'
for idx, row in n_et.iterrows():
_res = minimize(self._alpha_jt,
getattr(self.beta_models[event], self.beta_models_params_attr),
options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08, 'maxiter': 200})
n_et.loc[idx, 'success'] = _res.success
n_et.loc[idx, 'alpha_jt'] = _res.x[0]
raise ValueError
# n_et['opt_res'] = n_et.parallel_apply(lambda row: minimize(self._alpha_jt, x0=x0,
# args=(df, y_t.loc[row[duration_col]], event_beta_params, row['n_jt'],
# row[duration_col], event), method='BFGS',
# options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08, 'maxiter': 200}), axis=1)
# n_et['success'] = n_et['opt_res'].parallel_apply(lambda val: val.success)
# n_et['alpha_jt'] = n_et['opt_res'].parallel_apply(lambda val: val.x[0])
assert_fit(n_et, self.times[:-1], event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col) # todo move basic input validation before any optimization
self.event_models[event] = [self.beta_models[event], n_et]
self.alpha_df = pd.concat([self.alpha_df, n_et], ignore_index=True)
return self.event_models
def print_summary(self,
summary_func: str = "print_summary",
summary_kwargs: dict = {}) -> None:
This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.
summary_func (str, Optional): print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary").
summary_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function.
from IPython.display import display
for event, model in self.event_models.items():
print(f'\n\nModel summary for event: {event}')
display(model[1].set_index([self.event_type_col, self.duration_col]))
def plot_event_alpha(self, event: Union[str, int], ax: plt.Axes = None, scatter_kwargs: dict = {},
show=True, title=None, xlabel='t', ylabel=r'$\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize=18,
color: str = None, label: str = None, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of a specific event.
event (Union[str, int]): event name
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
scatter_kwargs (dict, Optional): keywords to pass to the scatter function
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
color (str, Optional): color name to use
label (str, Optional): label name
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
assert event in, f"Cannot plot event {event} alpha - it was not included during .fit()"
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
title = r'$\alpha_{jt}$' + f' for event {event}' if title is None else title
label = f'{event}' if label is None else label
color = 'tab:blue' if color is None else color
alpha_df = self.event_models[event][1]
ax.scatter(alpha_df[self.duration_col].values, alpha_df['alpha_jt'].values, label=label,
color=color, **scatter_kwargs)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
if show:
return ax
def plot_all_events_alpha(self, ax: plt.Axes = None, scatter_kwargs: dict = {}, colors: list = COLORS,
show: bool = True, title: Union[str, None] = None, xlabel: str = 't',
ylabel: str = r'$\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize: int = 18, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of all the events.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
scatter_kwargs (dict, Optional): keywords to pass to the scatter function
colors (list, Optional): colors names
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
title = r'$\alpha_{jt}$' + f' for all events' if title is None else title
for idx, (event, model) in enumerate(self.event_models.items()):
label = f'{event}'
color = colors[idx % len(colors)]
self.plot_event_alpha(event=event, ax=ax, scatter_kwargs=scatter_kwargs, show=False, title=title,
ylabel=ylabel, xlabel=xlabel, fontsize=fontsize, label=label, color=color,
if show:
return ax
def predict_hazard_jt(self,
df: pd.DataFrame,
event: Union[str, int],
t: Union[Iterable, int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in
the training set of the event.
df (pd.DataFrame): samples to predict for
event (Union[str, int]): event name
t (Union[Iterable, int]): times to calculate the hazard for
df (pd.DataFrame): samples with the prediction columns
t = self._validate_t(t, return_iter=True)
assert event in, \
f"Cannot predict for event {event} - it was not included during .fit()"
model = self.event_models[event]
alpha_df = model[1].set_index(self.duration_col)['alpha_jt'].copy()
_t = np.array([t_i for t_i in t if (f'hazard_j{event}_t{t_i}' not in df.columns)])
if len(_t) == 0:
return df
temp_df = df.copy()
if isinstance(self.covariates, list):
beta_j_x = temp_df[self.covariates].dot(getattr(model[0], self.beta_models_params_attr))
elif isinstance(self.covariates, dict):
beta_j_x = temp_df[self.covariates[event]].dot(getattr(model[0], self.beta_models_params_attr))
temp_df[[f'hazard_j{event}_t{c}' for c in _t]] = pd.concat(
[self._hazard_inverse_transformation(alpha_df[c] + beta_j_x) for c in _t], axis=1).values
return temp_df
def _hazard_transformation(self, a: Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> \
Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]:
This function defines the transformation of the hazard function such that
$ h ( \lambda_j (t | Z) ) = \alpha_{jt} + Z^{T} \beta_{j} $
a (Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]):
i (Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]): the inverse function applied on a. $ h^{-1} (a)$
i = logit(a)
return i
def _hazard_inverse_transformation(self, a: Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> \
Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]:
This function defines the inverse transformation of the hazard function such that
$\lambda_j (t | Z) = h^{-1} ( \alpha_{jt} + Z^{T} \beta_{j} )$
a (Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]):
i (Union[int, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]): the inverse function applied on a. $ h^{-1} (a) $
i = expit(a)
return i
def get_beta_SE(self):
This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.
se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe
se_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event, model in self.beta_models.items():
mdf = pd.concat([model.params_, model.standard_errors_], axis=1)
mdf.columns = [f'j{event}_params', f'j{event}_SE']
se_df = pd.concat([se_df, mdf], axis=1)
return se_df
def get_alpha_df(self):
This function returns the Alpha coefficients for all the events.
alpha_df (pandas.DataFrame): Alpha coefficients Dataframe
alpha_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event, model in self.event_models.items():
model_alpha_df = model[1].set_index([self.event_type_col, self.duration_col])
model_alpha_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], model_alpha_df.columns])
alpha_df = pd.concat([alpha_df, model_alpha_df], axis=1)
return alpha_df
def plot_all_events_beta(self, ax: plt.Axes = None, colors: list = COLORS, show: bool = True,
title: Union[str, None] = None, xlabel: str = 'Value', ylabel: str = r'$\beta_{j}$',
fontsize: int = 18, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots the $ beta_{j} $ coefficients and standard errors of all the events.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
colors (list, Optional): colors names
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
ticklabelsize (int, Optional): axes xticklabels, yticklabels fontsize
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
title = r'$\beta_{j}$' + f' for all events' if title is None else title
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
se_df = self.get_beta_SE()
for idx, col in enumerate(se_df.columns):
if idx % 2 == 1:
y = np.arange((idx//2)*len(se_df), (1+(idx//2))*len(se_df))
ax.errorbar(x=se_df.iloc[:, idx].values, y=y,
color=colors[idx % len(colors)], xerr=se_df.iloc[:, idx+1].values, label=f'{col}',
markersize=6, ls='', marker='o')
yt = list(se_df.index) * (len(se_df.columns) // 2)
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(yt)))
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
if show:
return ax
fit(self, df, covariates=None, event_type_col='J', duration_col='X', pid_col='pid', skip_expansion=False, x0=0, fit_beta_kwargs={}, verbose=2, nb_workers=2)
This method fits a model to the discrete data.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
df |
pd.DataFrame |
training data for fitting the model |
required |
covariates |
list |
list of covariates to be used in estimating the regression coefficients |
None |
event_type_col |
str |
The event type column name (must be a column in df), Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0. |
'J' |
duration_col |
str |
Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df). |
'X' |
pid_col |
str |
Sample ID column name (must be a column in df). |
'pid' |
skip_expansion |
boolean |
Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]). When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data. |
False |
x0 |
Union[numpy.array, int], Optional |
initial guess to pass to scipy.optimize.minimize function |
0 |
fit_beta_kwargs |
dict, Optional |
Keyword arguments to pass on to the estimation procedure. If different model for beta is desired, it can be defined here. For example: fit_beta_kwargs={ model=CoxPHFitter, # model object model_kwargs={}, # keywords arguments to pass on to the model instance initiation model_fit_kwargs={} # keywords arguments to pass on to method } |
{} |
verbose |
int, Optional |
The verbosity level of pandaallel |
2 |
nb_workers |
int, Optional |
The number of workers to pandaallel. If not sepcified, defaults to the number of workers available. |
2 |
Type | Description |
event_models (dict) |
Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event. |
[1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",
Source code in pydts/
def fit(self,
df: pd.DataFrame,
covariates: Union[list, dict] = None,
event_type_col: str = 'J',
duration_col: str = 'X',
pid_col: str = 'pid',
skip_expansion: bool = False,
x0: Union[np.array, int] = 0,
fit_beta_kwargs: dict = {},
verbose: int = 2,
nb_workers: int = WORKERS) -> dict:
This method fits a model to the discrete data.
df (pd.DataFrame): training data for fitting the model
covariates (list): list of covariates to be used in estimating the regression coefficients
event_type_col (str): The event type column name (must be a column in df),
Right-censored sample (i) is indicated by event value 0, df.loc[i, event_type_col] = 0.
duration_col (str): Last follow up time column name (must be a column in df).
pid_col (str): Sample ID column name (must be a column in df).
skip_expansion (boolean): Skips the dataframe expansion step. Use this option only if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded (see [1]).
When set to True, the df is expected to be in the format produced by the pydts.utils.get_expanded_df() method, as if it were applied to the unexpanded data.
x0 (Union[numpy.array, int], Optional): initial guess to pass to scipy.optimize.minimize function
fit_beta_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass on to the estimation procedure.
If different model for beta is desired, it can be defined here.
For example:
model=CoxPHFitter, # model object
model_kwargs={}, # keywords arguments to pass on to the model instance initiation
model_fit_kwargs={} # keywords arguments to pass on to method
verbose (int, Optional): The verbosity level of pandaallel
nb_workers (int, Optional): The number of workers to pandaallel. If not sepcified, defaults to the number of workers available.
event_models (dict): Fitted models dictionary. Keys - event names, Values - fitted models for the event.
[1] Meir, Tomer and Gorfine, Malka, "Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization",
self._validate_cols(df, event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col) = [c for c in sorted(df[event_type_col].unique()) if c != 0]
if (covariates is not None):
cov_not_in_df = []
if isinstance(covariates, list):
cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates if cov not in df.columns]
elif isinstance(covariates, dict):
for event in
event_cov_not_in_df = [cov for cov in covariates[event] if cov not in df.columns]
if len(cov_not_in_df) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"Error during fit - missing covariates from df: {cov_not_in_df}")
#pandarallel.initialize(verbose=verbose, nb_workers=nb_workers)
if covariates is None:
covariates = [col for col in df if col not in [event_type_col, duration_col, pid_col]]
self.covariates = covariates
self.event_type_col = event_type_col
self.duration_col = duration_col
self.pid_col = pid_col
self.times = sorted(df[duration_col].unique())
if not skip_expansion:
expanded_df = self._expand_data(df=df, event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col,
print('Skipping data expansion step, only use this option if the provided dataframe (df) is already correctly expanded.')
expanded_df = df
self.beta_models = self._fit_beta(expanded_df,, **fit_beta_kwargs)
y_t = (df[duration_col]
.sort_index(ascending=False) # each event count for its occurring time and the times before
n_jt = df.groupby([event_type_col, duration_col]).size().to_frame().reset_index()
n_jt.columns = [event_type_col, duration_col, 'n_jt']
for event in
n_et = n_jt[n_jt[event_type_col] == event].copy()
if isinstance(self.beta_models[event], CoxPHFitter):
self.beta_models_params_attr = 'params_'
_res = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(minimize)(self._alpha_jt, x0=x0,
args=(df, y_t.loc[row[duration_col]],
row[duration_col], event),
options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08,
'maxiter': 200})
for _, row in n_et.iterrows())
n_et['success'] = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(lambda row: row.success)(val)
for val in _res)
n_et['alpha_jt'] = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_workers)(delayed(lambda row: row.x[0])(val)
for val in _res)
elif isinstance(self.beta_models[event], ConditionalResultsWrapper) or \
isinstance(self.beta_models[event], RegularizedResultsWrapper):
self.beta_models_params_attr = 'params'
for idx, row in n_et.iterrows():
_res = minimize(self._alpha_jt,
getattr(self.beta_models[event], self.beta_models_params_attr),
options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08, 'maxiter': 200})
n_et.loc[idx, 'success'] = _res.success
n_et.loc[idx, 'alpha_jt'] = _res.x[0]
raise ValueError
# n_et['opt_res'] = n_et.parallel_apply(lambda row: minimize(self._alpha_jt, x0=x0,
# args=(df, y_t.loc[row[duration_col]], event_beta_params, row['n_jt'],
# row[duration_col], event), method='BFGS',
# options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'eps': 1.5e-08, 'maxiter': 200}), axis=1)
# n_et['success'] = n_et['opt_res'].parallel_apply(lambda val: val.success)
# n_et['alpha_jt'] = n_et['opt_res'].parallel_apply(lambda val: val.x[0])
assert_fit(n_et, self.times[:-1], event_type_col=event_type_col, duration_col=duration_col) # todo move basic input validation before any optimization
self.event_models[event] = [self.beta_models[event], n_et]
self.alpha_df = pd.concat([self.alpha_df, n_et], ignore_index=True)
return self.event_models
This function returns the Alpha coefficients for all the events.
Type | Description |
alpha_df (pandas.DataFrame) |
Alpha coefficients Dataframe |
Source code in pydts/
def get_alpha_df(self):
This function returns the Alpha coefficients for all the events.
alpha_df (pandas.DataFrame): Alpha coefficients Dataframe
alpha_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event, model in self.event_models.items():
model_alpha_df = model[1].set_index([self.event_type_col, self.duration_col])
model_alpha_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[event], model_alpha_df.columns])
alpha_df = pd.concat([alpha_df, model_alpha_df], axis=1)
return alpha_df
This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.
Type | Description |
se_df (pandas.DataFrame) |
Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe |
Source code in pydts/
def get_beta_SE(self):
This function returns the Beta coefficients and their Standard Errors for all the events.
se_df (pandas.DataFrame): Beta coefficients and Standard Errors Dataframe
se_df = pd.DataFrame()
for event, model in self.beta_models.items():
mdf = pd.concat([model.params_, model.standard_errors_], axis=1)
mdf.columns = [f'j{event}_params', f'j{event}_SE']
se_df = pd.concat([se_df, mdf], axis=1)
return se_df
plot_all_events_alpha(self, ax=None, scatter_kwargs={}, colors=['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan'], show=True, title=None, xlabel='t', ylabel='$\\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize=18, ticklabelsize=15)
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of all the events.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ax |
matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional |
ax to use |
None |
scatter_kwargs |
dict, Optional |
keywords to pass to the scatter function |
{} |
colors |
list, Optional |
colors names |
['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan'] |
show |
bool, Optional |
if to use |
True |
title |
str, Optional |
axes title |
None |
xlabel |
str, Optional |
axes xlabel |
't' |
ylabel |
str, Optional |
axes ylabel |
'$\\alpha_{jt}$' |
fontsize |
int, Optional |
axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize |
18 |
Type | Description |
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) |
output figure |
Source code in pydts/
def plot_all_events_alpha(self, ax: plt.Axes = None, scatter_kwargs: dict = {}, colors: list = COLORS,
show: bool = True, title: Union[str, None] = None, xlabel: str = 't',
ylabel: str = r'$\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize: int = 18, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of all the events.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
scatter_kwargs (dict, Optional): keywords to pass to the scatter function
colors (list, Optional): colors names
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
title = r'$\alpha_{jt}$' + f' for all events' if title is None else title
for idx, (event, model) in enumerate(self.event_models.items()):
label = f'{event}'
color = colors[idx % len(colors)]
self.plot_event_alpha(event=event, ax=ax, scatter_kwargs=scatter_kwargs, show=False, title=title,
ylabel=ylabel, xlabel=xlabel, fontsize=fontsize, label=label, color=color,
if show:
return ax
plot_all_events_beta(self, ax=None, colors=['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan'], show=True, title=None, xlabel='Value', ylabel='$\\beta_{j}$', fontsize=18, ticklabelsize=15)
This function plots the $ beta_{j} $ coefficients and standard errors of all the events.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ax |
matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional |
ax to use |
None |
colors |
list, Optional |
colors names |
['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan'] |
show |
bool, Optional |
if to use |
True |
title |
str, Optional |
axes title |
None |
xlabel |
str, Optional |
axes xlabel |
'Value' |
ylabel |
str, Optional |
axes ylabel |
'$\\beta_{j}$' |
fontsize |
int, Optional |
axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize |
18 |
ticklabelsize |
int, Optional |
axes xticklabels, yticklabels fontsize |
15 |
Type | Description |
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) |
output figure |
Source code in pydts/
def plot_all_events_beta(self, ax: plt.Axes = None, colors: list = COLORS, show: bool = True,
title: Union[str, None] = None, xlabel: str = 'Value', ylabel: str = r'$\beta_{j}$',
fontsize: int = 18, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots the $ beta_{j} $ coefficients and standard errors of all the events.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
colors (list, Optional): colors names
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
ticklabelsize (int, Optional): axes xticklabels, yticklabels fontsize
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
title = r'$\beta_{j}$' + f' for all events' if title is None else title
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
se_df = self.get_beta_SE()
for idx, col in enumerate(se_df.columns):
if idx % 2 == 1:
y = np.arange((idx//2)*len(se_df), (1+(idx//2))*len(se_df))
ax.errorbar(x=se_df.iloc[:, idx].values, y=y,
color=colors[idx % len(colors)], xerr=se_df.iloc[:, idx+1].values, label=f'{col}',
markersize=6, ls='', marker='o')
yt = list(se_df.index) * (len(se_df.columns) // 2)
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(yt)))
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
if show:
return ax
plot_event_alpha(self, event, ax=None, scatter_kwargs={}, show=True, title=None, xlabel='t', ylabel='$\\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize=18, color=None, label=None, ticklabelsize=15)
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of a specific event.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
event |
Union[str, int] |
event name |
required |
ax |
matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional |
ax to use |
None |
scatter_kwargs |
dict, Optional |
keywords to pass to the scatter function |
{} |
show |
bool, Optional |
if to use |
True |
title |
str, Optional |
axes title |
None |
xlabel |
str, Optional |
axes xlabel |
't' |
ylabel |
str, Optional |
axes ylabel |
'$\\alpha_{jt}$' |
fontsize |
int, Optional |
axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize |
18 |
color |
str, Optional |
color name to use |
None |
label |
str, Optional |
label name |
None |
Type | Description |
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) |
output figure |
Source code in pydts/
def plot_event_alpha(self, event: Union[str, int], ax: plt.Axes = None, scatter_kwargs: dict = {},
show=True, title=None, xlabel='t', ylabel=r'$\alpha_{jt}$', fontsize=18,
color: str = None, label: str = None, ticklabelsize: int = 15) -> plt.Axes:
This function plots a scatter plot of the $ alpha_{jt} $ coefficients of a specific event.
event (Union[str, int]): event name
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, Optional): ax to use
scatter_kwargs (dict, Optional): keywords to pass to the scatter function
show (bool, Optional): if to use
title (str, Optional): axes title
xlabel (str, Optional): axes xlabel
ylabel (str, Optional): axes ylabel
fontsize (int, Optional): axes title, xlabel, ylabel fontsize
color (str, Optional): color name to use
label (str, Optional): label name
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): output figure
assert event in, f"Cannot plot event {event} alpha - it was not included during .fit()"
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=ticklabelsize)
title = r'$\alpha_{jt}$' + f' for event {event}' if title is None else title
label = f'{event}' if label is None else label
color = 'tab:blue' if color is None else color
alpha_df = self.event_models[event][1]
ax.scatter(alpha_df[self.duration_col].values, alpha_df['alpha_jt'].values, label=label,
color=color, **scatter_kwargs)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize)
if show:
return ax
predict_hazard_jt(self, df, event, t)
This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in the training set of the event.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
df |
pd.DataFrame |
samples to predict for |
required |
event |
Union[str, int] |
event name |
required |
t |
Union[Iterable, int] |
times to calculate the hazard for |
required |
Type | Description |
df (pd.DataFrame) |
samples with the prediction columns |
Source code in pydts/
def predict_hazard_jt(self,
df: pd.DataFrame,
event: Union[str, int],
t: Union[Iterable, int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
This method calculates the hazard for the given event at the given time values if they were included in
the training set of the event.
df (pd.DataFrame): samples to predict for
event (Union[str, int]): event name
t (Union[Iterable, int]): times to calculate the hazard for
df (pd.DataFrame): samples with the prediction columns
t = self._validate_t(t, return_iter=True)
assert event in, \
f"Cannot predict for event {event} - it was not included during .fit()"
model = self.event_models[event]
alpha_df = model[1].set_index(self.duration_col)['alpha_jt'].copy()
_t = np.array([t_i for t_i in t if (f'hazard_j{event}_t{t_i}' not in df.columns)])
if len(_t) == 0:
return df
temp_df = df.copy()
if isinstance(self.covariates, list):
beta_j_x = temp_df[self.covariates].dot(getattr(model[0], self.beta_models_params_attr))
elif isinstance(self.covariates, dict):
beta_j_x = temp_df[self.covariates[event]].dot(getattr(model[0], self.beta_models_params_attr))
temp_df[[f'hazard_j{event}_t{c}' for c in _t]] = pd.concat(
[self._hazard_inverse_transformation(alpha_df[c] + beta_j_x) for c in _t], axis=1).values
return temp_df
print_summary(self, summary_func='print_summary', summary_kwargs={})
This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
summary_func |
str, Optional |
print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary"). |
'print_summary' |
summary_kwargs |
dict, Optional |
Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function. |
{} |
Type | Description |
None |
None |
Source code in pydts/
def print_summary(self,
summary_func: str = "print_summary",
summary_kwargs: dict = {}) -> None:
This method prints the summary of the fitted models for all the events.
summary_func (str, Optional): print summary method of the fitted model type ("summary", "print_summary").
summary_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the model summary function.
from IPython.display import display
for event, model in self.event_models.items():
print(f'\n\nModel summary for event: {event}')
display(model[1].set_index([self.event_type_col, self.duration_col]))